Contact Us
The Yoga Loft (studio)
52485 SW First St.
Scappoose, OR, 97056, USA
weekly classes are
online only.
mailing address:
31692 Pittsburg Rd.
St. Helens, OR 97051
(503)397-0012 Chris/home
(506) 260-5417 cell/text
Is the studio open to in-person classes?
Weekly Classes at The Yoga Loft are online via Zoom. The Yoga Loft Studio in Scappoose reopened in February 24 on a limited basis. Attendance was low. In-person classes may be offered again in the Fall.
Do I need to sign up or pre-register?
If you have some experience in the class you want to take, then you may simply join by clicking on the Zoom link provided on the Programs page. If you are new, then it's a good idea to contact Chris first to make sure the class you're interested in is a good fit. Some classes require that you have props on hand. Use the email or phone numbers above to inquire.
How much does it cost?
Classes at The Yoga Loft are reasonable\y priced.
Who will teach me?
Our instructors are Christine Eisenschmidt, E-RYT and Gary Domby, D.C., D.I.B.A.K. Gary has taught since 1989 and Chris has taught since 1993. Gary is taking a break from teaching this year.
What programs do you offer?
We offer instruction in Yoga, MELT Method, Somatic Movement, and Private Lessons Chris can also offer assistance with an I Ching consultation or Feng Shui advice.